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29 мая 2008 г. — 30 мая 2008 г., срок заявок: 29 мая 2008 г.

The Fifth Spring Young Researchers Colloquium on Databases and Information Systems, SYRCoDIS'2008

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Россия, Санкт-Петербург

Язык информации: Русский

SYRCoDIS is an annual colloquium directed to young researchers specializing in the area of databases and information systems. The goal of the colloquium is to help young researchers to get acquainted with the work of their colleagues and to exchange knowledge and experience.

In recent years SYRCoDIS has become the major annual meeting of the Russian research community in the database field. We believe that it should also serve the goal of increasing the collaboration between Russian and international database research communities. We are aiming to reach a broad international auditory including, in the first place, PhD students from other countries. International participants are welcome to submit their work.

We solicit contributions of three types: full research papers, research-in-progress reports and industrial papers. We hope to bring researchers and practitioners together at the forum and thus reduce the ever-existing gap between theory and practice in database systems.

Previous SYRCoDIS colloquiums were held in Saint-Petersburg (May, 2004; June, 2005) and Moscow (June, 2006; May-June, 2007). Program committee selected reports covering such fields of database and information systems research as XML databases, information retrieval and data mining, query processing, model-driven approach etc. The main SYRCoDIS Web sites can be found at http://syrcodis.ispras.ru.

Topics Of Interest

We are interested in original papers dealing with theory and/or applications of database technology and information systems. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

* Database Theory
* Data Integration
* Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
* Data Streams and Publish-Subscribe Systems
* Data Structures
* Indexing Techniques
* Information Retrieval
* Mobile Information Systems
* Multimedia Databases
* New Trends in Information System Design
* Parallel and Distributed Databases
* Query Processing and Optimization
* Real-Time Databases
* Replication, Caching and Materialization
* Scientific and Statistical Databases
* Security and Privacy
* Semantic Web
* Spatial and Temporal Databases
* Transaction Management
* Web Information and Services
* XML and Semistructured Databases


We accept papers authored by students, PhD students or young researchers. We do not define any formal age restrictions for authors of contributions. However, in case of borderline papers, i.e. papers balancing on the acceptance / rejection boundary, preference will be given to the contributions whose authors are students or PhD students. Papers must be written and presented in English.

We admit original papers of the following types:

* Full research papers presenting the accomplished research up to 12 pages length. Such papers do not have limits on co-authors except that at least one of the co-authors is a young researcher making a presentation at the colloquium.

* Research-in-progress reports which should contain an abstract describing the problem of interest and the particular goals of the research, a short description of related work of other researchers with analysis of differences between the existing methods and the ones proposed by the author, a summary of results achieved and future work. Normally, such papers should be solely authored (although the scientific supervisor should be specified). The length of such papers should not exceed 6 pages.

* Industrial papers demonstrating novel or non-trivial applications of database systems. Like full research papers, industrial papers should meet the requirement that at least one of the co-authors is a young person making a presentation at the colloquium.

Every paper regardless of its type will be reviewed by at least three members of the Program Committee and authors will get the reviews together with the notification of acceptance/rejection.

Papers should follow double-column format on A4 paper, using 10pt Times-Roman font. Sample files are available on the colloquium web page. Papers should be submitted electronically via the EasyChair system. Detailed information will be available closer to the submission deadline.

Important Dates

Papers submission deadline: January, 29
Notification of acceptance: March, 26
Camera-ready papers: April, 23
Colloquium: May 29 - 30

Program Committee


* Peter Pleshachkov, Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
* Dmitry Shaporenkov, University of Saint-Petersburg, Russia

PC Members

* Andrey Balmin, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
* Dmitry Barashev, University of Saint-Petersburg, Russia
* Alexander Boldakov, Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
* Andrey Fomichev, Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
* Maxim Grinev, Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
* Maria Grineva, Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
* Alexander Khokhlov, Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
* Anna Kozlova, University of Saint-Petersburg, Russia
* Michal Kratky, Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
* Sergey Kuznetcov, Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
* Dmitry Lizorkin, Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
* Pankaj Mehra, HP Labs, USA
* Irena Mlynkova, Charles University, Czech Republic
* Mikolaj Morzy, Institute of Computing Science, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
* Igor Nekrestyanov, University of Saint-Petersburg, Russia
* Leonid Novak, Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
* Boris Novikov, University of Saint-Petersburg, Russia
* Oleg Paraschenko, University of Saint-Petersrbug, Russia
* Oleg Proskurnin, University of Saint-Petersburg, Russia
* Andrey Simanovsky, University of Saint-Petersburg, Russia
* Tomas Skopal, Charles University, Czech Republic
* Vaclav Snasel, Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
* Leonid Sokolinsky, South Ural University, Russia
* Andrey Suslov, Moscow State University, Russia
* Mikhail Tsymbler, South Ural University, Russia
* Natalia Vassilieva, HP Labs, Russia
* Pavel Velikhov, Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

Conference Venue

The conference will be hosted by the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Saint-Petersburg State University, one of the oldest educational institutions in Russia. It was founded by an order of Peter the Great in 1724. The Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics which will host the colloquium is the alma-mater of many renowned Russian and Soviet scientists including Nobel prize winner L. Kantorovich. Today the faculty teaches about 2000 students in various fields of theoretical and applied mathematics, mechanics, astronomy and computer science.

При обращении к организаторам мероприятия обязательно ссылайтесь на сайт «Конференции.ru» как на источник информации.

Последний день подачи заявки: 29 мая 2008 г. (приём заявок закончен)

Организаторы: University of Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Контактная информация: E-mail: syrcodis2008@ispras.ru

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