5 мая 2008 г. — 7 мая 2008 г., срок заявок: 5 мая 2008 г.
International conference “DIALOGUE'2008”
Кипр, Никосия
The Institute of Computing for Physics and Technology is organizing the International Conference “DIALOGUE-2008” to be held in Moscow on 5-7 May and then continued in Nicosia, Cyprus on 12-15 May,2008.
In 2008 we are celebrating three important dates: 60 years of the Russian computer science, 30 years of creation of Dialogue commission at Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences and 15 years of the first edition of bilingual Russian-English journal “Computer Bridge”.
In this connection, we have decided to organize a conference that would unite both physicist and humanists, sharing common history and culture.
Alexander Pasko (Japan)
Dimitri PLEMENOS (France)
Martin Reiser (Germany)
Vaclav Skala (Czech Republic)
Stefanie Toth ( Germany)
The major subjects of papers will be the following:
- computer and the people, science and art;
- art and virtual reality;
- education and computers;
- Russian education in Europe.
Sectional papers are first and foremost poster presentations.
Invited papers will be linked to one of the following:
- online system;
- virtual reality;
- computer and art;
- computer education;
- computer and society;
- internet (all except chat);
- natural languages (including dialects for chat and sms);
- history of science.
Papers on the subjects that are not in the list, the papers promoting the new and restoring the old bridges of dialogue to the establishment of meaningful dialogue are also welcomed.
The official languages of the Conference are English and Russian.
Institute of Computing for Physics and Technology (Russia)
Moscow City Pedagogical University
University of Nicosia (Cyprus)
Bugaev Alexander - MIPT (Russia) - Honorary Chair
Kliimenko Stanislav, ICPT (Russia)
Prokhorov Sergei, ISP (Russia)
Baturin Yuri. Brain, Eye and Space: Experiments between Physics and Art.
Klimenko Stanislav. The Virtual Environment Application in Science, Education, and Industry: case of experience.
Prokhorov Sergei. 60 years of the Russian Computer Science. Dramatic start.
Prof.Dr.Stanislav Klimenko
CONFERENCE E-mail : rusieee@gmail.com
CONFERENCE Web site : http://www.ieee.ru/rumein/dialogue4.shtml
Klimenko Stanislav (Russia) - Chairman
Podoynikova Natalia - secretary
Arnold David (international adviser, UK)
Atanasyan Sergei (Russia)
Awater Monika (Germany)
Baturin Yuri (Russia)
Beckhaus Steffi (Germany)
Devyaterikov Ivan (Russia)
Dmitrieva Valentina (Russia)
Fellner Dieter (international adviser, Germany)
Feng Chao-Kang (Taipei)
Filonenko Ilja (Russia)
Froehlich Bernd (Germany)
Galaktionov Vladimir (Russia)
Glukhova Elena (Russia)
Goebel Martin (Germany)
Goebel Stefan (Germany)
Gromov Grigory (USA)
Hagen Hans (international adviser, Germany)
Hsu Hui-Huang (Taipei)
Jiung-yao Huang (Taipei)
Islamov Rustam (Russia)
Klimenko Alexander (Russia)
Magnenat-Thalmann Nadia (international adviser, Switzerland)
Mattis Mafried (Germany)
Nielson Gregory (international adviser, USA)
Nikitin Igor (Russia)
Nychkin Alexander (Russia)
Paltashev Timour (Russia)
Pan Zhigeng (P.R.China)
Plemenos Dimitri (Greece)
Rabinovich Pavel (Russia)
Reiser Martin (Switzerland)
Romanov Alexei (Russia)
Roseman John (Russia)
Rotkov Sergey (Russia)
Serebrov Alexander (Russia)
Shi Jiao Ying (international adviser, P.R.China)
Shih Timothy K. (international adviser, Taipei)
Skala Vaclav (international adviser, Czech Republic)
Skopin Alexey (Russia)
Soon Seah Hock (international adviser, Singapore)
Sourin (Alexei Russia, Singapore)
Stork Andre (Germany)
Stricker Didier (Germany)
Thalmann Daniel (international adviser, Switzerland)
Wang Ying-Hong (Taipei)
Wolfengagen Vyacheslav (Russia)
Chairman - Prokhorov Sergei (Russia)
Secretary - Gridneva Yulia (Russia)
e-mail: rusieee@gmail.com
Abstracts of no more than 500 words should be submitted before April 10, 2008.
Abstracts should provide objective and the results, which will be disclosed in the paper.
Abstracts can be presented in Russian as well as English.
The full texts of papers should be submitted by the authors no later than April 21, 2008.
Papers of no more than 10 pages in Word, should be submitted either in Russian or English. If a paper is in Russian, it should necessarily be accompanied by an abstract, written in English.
Applications for participation in the DIALOGUE’2008 Conference should be submitted no later than April 30, 2008.
The registration fee is 200 Euro if transferred to the conference deposit no later than April 30 and 250 Euro after this date.
The registration fee includes:
conference proceedings;
conference kit;
coffee breaks;
other entertainment events.
Applications for participation in the conference should be submitted no later than April 30, 2008
The filled-in Participation Form for the DIALOGUE'2008 Conference should be
sent to: rusieee@gmail.com
При обращении к организаторам мероприятия обязательно ссылайтесь на сайт «Конференции.ru» как на источник информации.
Последний день подачи заявки: 5 мая 2008 г. (приём заявок закончен)
Организаторы: Institute of Computing for Physics and Technology (Russia), Moscow City Pedagogical University, University of Nicosia (Cyprus)
Контактная информация: E-mail : rusieee@gmail.com, web site: http://www.ieee.ru/rumein/dialogue4.shtml
Эл. почта: NULL
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