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4 июня 2018 г. — 8 июня 2018 г., срок заявок: 9 февраля 2018 г.

III Scientific-practical conference with international participation and a scientific school on cell biotechnology «Prospects of phyto-biotechnology for improving the quality of Life in the North»

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Россия, Якутск (издание включено в: РИНЦ)

Форма участия: очно-заочная

Язык информации: Русский | English

Dear colleagues and friends!
M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University in cooperation with the Society of Plant Physiologists of Russia invites you to participate in the III scientific-practical conference «Prospects of phyto-biotechnology for improving the quality of Life in the North» with international participation and a scientific school on cell biotechnology.

Priority direction of the event: Live systems. Biotechnology.

Key words: biotechnology of plants; cell biotechnology; the quality of Life; plant resources; the North.

The main directions of the conference and scientific schools:
Plenary reports and reports of leading Russian and foreign scientists in the field of stress-adaptation, cell and molecular technologies, oral reports on sections are provided. Conference Proceedings will be published as a BOOK of short articles, and registered in the RSCI system (eLibrary.ru)
A scientific school for young scientists, teachers and staff in cell biotechnology will be organized and conducted.

Sectional presentations:
Section 1. Biotechnology of plants.
1.1. Theoretical foundations of plant cell biotechnology.
1.2. Methodical aspects of plant cell biotechnology.
1.3. Perspective plant species for cell biotechnology.
1.4. Innovative directions and developments in the field of cell phyto-biotechnology.
1.5. Cooperation in the field of cell biotechnologies.
Section 2. Plant resources and their potential.
2.1. Theoretical bases of the account of plant resources.
2.2. Methodical bases of conservation of plant resources.
2.3. Genotyping of rare, endangered and biotechnologically significant plant species.
2.4. The use of GIS technologies for creating databases on plant resources.
2.5. Potential of plant resources of the North.

Scientific School on Cell Biotechnology:
1. Section «Cell culture of higher plants». Lectures, practical part. Speaker: head of the Department of Plant Physiology, Biological Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University, head of the Department of Cell Biology and Biotechnology of Timiryazev Institute of Plant Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Alexander M. Nosov.
2. Section «Biotechnology of cyanobacteria». Lectures, practical part. Speaker: Professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow), Head of Laboratory, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Elena S. Lobakova.
3. Section «Secondary metabolism of higher plants». Lectures, practical part. Speaker: Senior Researcher, Department of Plant Physiology, Biological Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University, PhD Dmitry V. Kochkin.
4. Section «Anti-cancer potential of plants». Lectures. Speaker: head of the Pharmacology Department, High School of Oriental Medicine, PNU, Professor, PhD Su In Cho.
5. Section «Molecular biotechnology of plants». Lectures, master class. Speaker: Research Professor of the Department of Molecular Biology PNU, PhD Ismayil S. Zulfugarov.

You can take part in the conference (sectional report, participation in the scientific school with the publication of abstracts in the collection of materials) or participate in absentia (the publication of abstracts in the collection of materials).

The working languages of the conference and a scientific schools are Russian and English.
Contacts of the organizing committee
677000, Russian Federation, Yakutsk, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Kulakovskogo Str.,48, Institute of Natural Sciences, biotechnologyYSU@rambler.ru, tel.: +7 (4112) 49-68-24.
Venue of the Conference
677000, Russian Federation, Yakutsk, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Belinskogo Str., 58, M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University.

При обращении к организаторам мероприятия обязательно ссылайтесь на сайт «Конференции.ru» как на источник информации.

Последний день подачи заявки: 9 февраля 2018 г. (приём заявок закончен)

Организаторы: M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Instritute of Natural Sciences, Society of Plant Physiologists of Russia

Контактная информация: Tel.: +7 (4112) 49-68-24, +7 (4112) 32-01-06

Эл. почта: biotechnologyYSU@rambler.ru

Приложения: 2_Announcement_RUS_ENGL (.docx, 81.642 КБ)

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